Monday, July 12, 2004

(COM+) .NET Enterprise Services Performance

.NET Enterprise Services Performance
Richard Turner, Program Manager, XML Enterprise Services
Larry Buerk, Program Manager, XML Enterprise Services
Dave Driver, Software Design Engineer, XML Enterprise Services

Microsoft Corporation

March 2004

Applies to:
COM+ components
Microsoft .NET Enterprise Services

Summary: See the performance of native COM+ and .NET Enterprise Services components when applied to different activation and calling patterns. Get guidelines to make .NET Enterprise Services components execute just as quickly as C++ COM+ components, and get key recommendations to help you create high-performance .NET Enterprise Service components.

Developers who consider moving their COM+ code from "native" Visual C++® or Visual Basic® 6 to managed .NET Enterprise Services components sometimes raise concerns such as:

Why should I switch to managed code?
How much change will be required to my code?
How will my Enterprise Services components perform?
What is the future roadmap for COM+ and .NET Enterprise Services?
This paper discusses the points above, and particularly focuses on the performance question. Resources listed in Appendix 4: Further Reading discuss these subjects in more detail.

This document is targeted at developers and architects who have developed COM+ components and are considering migrating their code to .NET Enterprise Services.

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