Friday, July 23, 2004

Download details: Lookout V1.2

Steve Makofsky noticed that Lookout is available from the Microsoft Download Center. If you're an Outlook user, run, don't walk to get this thing. It has saved me at least an hour a day since I started using it. Here's some info and a link:
Lookout is lightning-fast search for your email, files, and desktop integrated with Microsoft Outlook. Built on top of a powerful search engine, Lookout is the only personal search engine that can search all of your email from directly within Outlook - in seconds...

posted @ 7/23/2004 2:55 AM by Brian Johnson

Lookout download on
Microsoft's acquisition of Lookout caused a bit of a stir in the community - in particular, because they pulled the product download off of the web site with no real explanation of the product's future or whether it would ever resurface (while allowing existing users to continue using the product).

Guess what just showed up on the Microsoft Download site. You guessed it.

Now, Microsoft has a history of posting stuff on the download site and then quickly removing it. So who can say how long it will stick around. But it's there for the moment.

People have also sleuthed out the (unadvertised) download URL on the Lookout site - presumably there for the Lookout auto-upgrade process. It's appearance on the Microsoft site, however, it potentially far more interesting.

posted @ 7/22/2004 6:33 PM by Kevin Dente

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