SQL Server Developer Center: Managed Data Access Inside SQL Server with ADO.NET and SQLCLR: "Introduction
This white paper discusses how managed code can use ADO.NET when running inside SQL Server 2005 using the new SQLCLR feature.
In Part I, I describe the basic scenarios in which in-process data access might be required, and the difference between local and remote connections. Most of the different SQLCLR constructs are covered, such as stored procedures and functions, as well as interesting aspects of the interaction between the data access infrastructure and those constructs.
Part II further details in-process connections and restrictions that apply to ADO.NET when running inside SQLCLR. Finally, there is a detailed discussion on the transactions semantics of data access code inside SQLCLR, and how can it interact implicitly and explicitly with the transactions API."
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Dim Blog As New ThoughtStream(me) : VS.NET and VSS: Adding a solution to VSS
Dim Blog As New ThoughtStream(me) : VS.NET and VSS: Adding a solution to VSS: "VS.NET and VSS: Adding a solution to VSS
In my previous post, I talked about how to make a copy of a VS.NET solution. However, I left off the details of the final step - adding the new solution back into VSS. This is probably the most basic process in working with VSS, but the details surrounding what happens behind the scenes can often leave a developer frustrated when they find that VSS did not organize the solution and projects in proper manner. In this post, I'll be discussing my experience with adding a solution to VSS in a manner that allows complete control over the finall VSS folder organization.
In my experience, I prefer to have my solution and project files organized in a single folder structure. I create a root level solution folder to contain my solution file, and each project would receive it's own subfolder in that root level solution folder. For example:
\MyProject1 MyProject1.vbproj
Creating a folder structure like this, in VSS, is not a straightforward process, despite the quick and simple menu items that VS.NET provides, for integration with VSS.
This entry assumes that you are using Visual Studio.NET 2003, and Visual SourceSafe 6.0d; and are familiar with Visual Studio.NET's basic functionality, menu system, and Visual SourceSafe's UI and 'Working Folder' functionality."
In my previous post, I talked about how to make a copy of a VS.NET solution. However, I left off the details of the final step - adding the new solution back into VSS. This is probably the most basic process in working with VSS, but the details surrounding what happens behind the scenes can often leave a developer frustrated when they find that VSS did not organize the solution and projects in proper manner. In this post, I'll be discussing my experience with adding a solution to VSS in a manner that allows complete control over the finall VSS folder organization.
In my experience, I prefer to have my solution and project files organized in a single folder structure. I create a root level solution folder to contain my solution file, and each project would receive it's own subfolder in that root level solution folder. For example:
\MyProject1 MyProject1.vbproj
Creating a folder structure like this, in VSS, is not a straightforward process, despite the quick and simple menu items that VS.NET provides, for integration with VSS.
This entry assumes that you are using Visual Studio.NET 2003, and Visual SourceSafe 6.0d; and are familiar with Visual Studio.NET's basic functionality, menu system, and Visual SourceSafe's UI and 'Working Folder' functionality."
Dim Blog As New ThoughtStream(me) : VS.NET and VSS: Copy solution to new solution
Dim Blog As New ThoughtStream(me) : VS.NET and VSS: Copy solution to new solution: "VS.NET and VSS: Copy solution to new solution
In this entry, I'll be outlining the process that I use to make a copy of a Visual Studio.NET project or solution with then end result of two projects copies on my development machine, each of which points to it's own location in Visual SourceSafe.
This entry assumes that you are using Visual Studio.NET 2003, and Visual SourceSafe 6.0d; and are familiar with Visual Studio.NET's basic functionality, menu system, and Visual SourceSafe's UI and 'Working Folder' functionality. It is also assumed that you are familiar with creating a 'Web Application' in IIS, on an existing folder."
In this entry, I'll be outlining the process that I use to make a copy of a Visual Studio.NET project or solution with then end result of two projects copies on my development machine, each of which points to it's own location in Visual SourceSafe.
This entry assumes that you are using Visual Studio.NET 2003, and Visual SourceSafe 6.0d; and are familiar with Visual Studio.NET's basic functionality, menu system, and Visual SourceSafe's UI and 'Working Folder' functionality. It is also assumed that you are familiar with creating a 'Web Application' in IIS, on an existing folder."
Spice Up Your UI
Spice Up Your UI: "Spice Up Your UI
DirectX Transitions and Filters Can Make Your Web Pages More Compelling
By Andrew Flick and Devin Rader
As we enter the dawn of a new era, two new up-and-coming UI superheroes are here to make their debut. Who are we, you may ask? We are Flick and Rader: Partners in UI; but we are more commonly known to the outside world as Andrew Flick and Devin Rader, Technology Evangelists for Infragistics.
Whether we have superhuman powers is questionable — but you won’t be seeing us scale any tall buildings in a city near you. And as the superheroes for a new generation, we are leaving the fight between good and evil to our predecessors, so that we may be able to focus on the daunting task of “saving the world” one tip and trick at a time!
In the coming months, we’ll introduce you to a range of tips and tricks, from transitions and filters and going 508 Compliant to how a server-side developer should interact with a UI developer. All of our tips will enable you to create awesome user-interfaces in look, style, and performance.
Internet Explorer contains many little-known and hidden features that, given the right circumstances, you can use to your advantage when developing Web sites. Because many of these features are specific to Internet Explorer, and are not available on any other browser, you should probably only consider using them when you are developing in an environment like a corporate intranet or some other controlled environment where you can guarantee that everyone who uses the site will be using Internet Explorer. Given that caveat, there is really no reason why you cannot take advantage of these powerful features.
In this installment of “UI Tips” we are looking at transitions and filters. Transitions and filters are UI capabilities that have been present in IE since version 4, but were greatly enhanced with version 5.5 and now include a variety of visual effects, which we’ll review and demonstrate here"
Check out the site mentioned regularly for some tips and tricks in web designing...
DirectX Transitions and Filters Can Make Your Web Pages More Compelling
By Andrew Flick and Devin Rader
As we enter the dawn of a new era, two new up-and-coming UI superheroes are here to make their debut. Who are we, you may ask? We are Flick and Rader: Partners in UI; but we are more commonly known to the outside world as Andrew Flick and Devin Rader, Technology Evangelists for Infragistics.
Whether we have superhuman powers is questionable — but you won’t be seeing us scale any tall buildings in a city near you. And as the superheroes for a new generation, we are leaving the fight between good and evil to our predecessors, so that we may be able to focus on the daunting task of “saving the world” one tip and trick at a time!
In the coming months, we’ll introduce you to a range of tips and tricks, from transitions and filters and going 508 Compliant to how a server-side developer should interact with a UI developer. All of our tips will enable you to create awesome user-interfaces in look, style, and performance.
Internet Explorer contains many little-known and hidden features that, given the right circumstances, you can use to your advantage when developing Web sites. Because many of these features are specific to Internet Explorer, and are not available on any other browser, you should probably only consider using them when you are developing in an environment like a corporate intranet or some other controlled environment where you can guarantee that everyone who uses the site will be using Internet Explorer. Given that caveat, there is really no reason why you cannot take advantage of these powerful features.
In this installment of “UI Tips” we are looking at transitions and filters. Transitions and filters are UI capabilities that have been present in IE since version 4, but were greatly enhanced with version 5.5 and now include a variety of visual effects, which we’ll review and demonstrate here"
Check out the site mentioned regularly for some tips and tricks in web designing...
ASPAlliance.com : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : WebMail Using the IP*Works! ADO.NET Data Provider
ASPAlliance.com : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : WebMail Using the IP*Works! ADO.NET Data Provider: "Building a Robust Web Based Email Client (WebMail) Using the IP*Works! ADO.NET Data Provider
To get all of the mail from your Inbox, you can SELECT * from INBOX. To read the latest RSS feed you can SELECT * from feed. To send an email, just insert a new row into the OUTBOX table.
In this article, I will talk about the features and use of the Provider, and along the way I'll create an IMAP and POP capable Webmail interface with a minimal amount of code. You can also download the full sample project here.
Overview Of The Provider
In the beginning, the protocols available are IMAP, POP, SMTP, NNTP, and RSS. Others will be added, like WebDAV (aka HTTPMail), LDAP, and more. IP*Works! ADO.Net Data Provider makes integration of Internet capabilities into applications quick and easy - without the need to become familiar with the inner-workings of the protocols themselves.
You are familiar with the DbConnection, DbDataAdapter, and DbCommand objects. Now let me introduce the IPWorksConnection, IPWorksDataAdapter, and IPWorksCommand objects. They work in the same familiar way, except with something a little bit different happening on the inside - updating from a server instead of a database. Here is a brief description of the different objects in the Provider. Later in this article I'll get into more specifics and show how to use each one.
The IPWorksConnection object manages a connection to some server, whether it be an IMAP, POP, HTTP, SMTP, or NNTP server. The IPWorksConnection can be opened and closed explicitly, or the connection can be managed automatically (opened only when necessary) by the IPWorksDataAdapter."
atlast, my area of intrest....
To get all of the mail from your Inbox, you can SELECT * from INBOX. To read the latest RSS feed you can SELECT * from feed. To send an email, just insert a new row into the OUTBOX table.
In this article, I will talk about the features and use of the Provider, and along the way I'll create an IMAP and POP capable Webmail interface with a minimal amount of code. You can also download the full sample project here.
Overview Of The Provider
In the beginning, the protocols available are IMAP, POP, SMTP, NNTP, and RSS. Others will be added, like WebDAV (aka HTTPMail), LDAP, and more. IP*Works! ADO.Net Data Provider makes integration of Internet capabilities into applications quick and easy - without the need to become familiar with the inner-workings of the protocols themselves.
You are familiar with the DbConnection, DbDataAdapter, and DbCommand objects. Now let me introduce the IPWorksConnection, IPWorksDataAdapter, and IPWorksCommand objects. They work in the same familiar way, except with something a little bit different happening on the inside - updating from a server instead of a database. Here is a brief description of the different objects in the Provider. Later in this article I'll get into more specifics and show how to use each one.
The IPWorksConnection object manages a connection to some server, whether it be an IMAP, POP, HTTP, SMTP, or NNTP server. The IPWorksConnection can be opened and closed explicitly, or the connection can be managed automatically (opened only when necessary) by the IPWorksDataAdapter."
atlast, my area of intrest....
ASPAlliance.com : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : Integrate Verified By Visa & Mastercard SecureCode Into Your Online Payment System
ASPAlliance.com : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : Integrate Verified By Visa & Mastercard SecureCode Into Your Online Payment System: "The purpose of this article is to explain how to build a merchant order page using Verified By Visa and Vital together. To that end, we'll use two components from /n software; IBiz VitalPS Integrator and IP*Works! 3-D Secure MPI. This particular example uses the ASP edition, though the same functionality can be performed using the .NET Edition in an ASP.NET web application, or using the C Edition to create a CGI application running on a web server. In addition to these two components, we are going to need to set up an account with Visa's PIT test server, and then download and install several certificates."
back to e-commerce, electronic shopping,etc etc.
Common for all sites these days, hence a must read for many
back to e-commerce, electronic shopping,etc etc.
Common for all sites these days, hence a must read for many
DotNetBips.com :: The .NET Knowledge Base
DotNetBips.com :: The .NET Knowledge Base: "Introduction
Well...this is not a topic of long article as such but a commonly asked question.
'How can I prevent caching of my web form pages by the browser so that when user clicks on the Back button of the browser he gets the latest output from the server and not the cached one.'"
Sometime back, one of my colleagues was asking me if I had any idea on how to prevent the broswer from caching the data. We searched the net for details and couldnot find any viable solution.
Today, I found link to this article at Asp.net website and immediately thought of mentioning it here. Someone in search like us might find it useful
Well...this is not a topic of long article as such but a commonly asked question.
'How can I prevent caching of my web form pages by the browser so that when user clicks on the Back button of the browser he gets the latest output from the server and not the cached one.'"
Sometime back, one of my colleagues was asking me if I had any idea on how to prevent the broswer from caching the data. We searched the net for details and couldnot find any viable solution.
Today, I found link to this article at Asp.net website and immediately thought of mentioning it here. Someone in search like us might find it useful
Mastering IIS FTP - Managing multiple users with one IP Address (IIS) - Developer Fusion, the UK developer community - VB, ASP, C#, .NET, PHP and XML
Mastering IIS FTP - Managing multiple users with one IP Address (IIS) - Developer Fusion, the UK developer community - VB, ASP, C#, .NET, PHP and XML tutorials & source code: "In choosing which software to use for managing the server-side of FTP, often time people don't use Microsoft's FTP program because they think that it's too simple or they think that it doesn't do what they want. I'm going to attempt to reveal some of the hidden but powerful features that exist with Microsoft's FTP program. Understanding just a couple basic concepts and putting those concepts to good use will open up a new world of possibility.
I'm not trying to convert the many people that are using another FTP program or try to say that Microsoft's is better. I don't work for Microsoft and I'm not being paid to endorse their product. But for those that aren't happy with their current solution, want to utilize Microsoft FTP better or are diving into this fresh, read on.
I'm assuming that you are somewhat familiar with using Microsoft IIS / FTP. The 10 second description for those coming in brand new is: For those running a version of Windows that includes IIS (Internet Information Services), you already have Microsoft FTP available to you. This is included in Windows NT/2000/2003/XP. Except for Windows NT, use the IIS snap-in found in Start -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services. If you don't have that installed, it can be installed from Add/Remove Programs in the control panel. For some people using Windows XP you won't see Administrative Tools off your Start Menu. You can still find them in your control panel. For those wondering what FTP means, you've probably stumbled across the wrong article."
Not one for those intrested in development alone, but more useful for those who learn to things along with network administrators
I'm not trying to convert the many people that are using another FTP program or try to say that Microsoft's is better. I don't work for Microsoft and I'm not being paid to endorse their product. But for those that aren't happy with their current solution, want to utilize Microsoft FTP better or are diving into this fresh, read on.
I'm assuming that you are somewhat familiar with using Microsoft IIS / FTP. The 10 second description for those coming in brand new is: For those running a version of Windows that includes IIS (Internet Information Services), you already have Microsoft FTP available to you. This is included in Windows NT/2000/2003/XP. Except for Windows NT, use the IIS snap-in found in Start -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services. If you don't have that installed, it can be installed from Add/Remove Programs in the control panel. For some people using Windows XP you won't see Administrative Tools off your Start Menu. You can still find them in your control panel. For those wondering what FTP means, you've probably stumbled across the wrong article."
Not one for those intrested in development alone, but more useful for those who learn to things along with network administrators
ASPAlliance.com : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : Create a Threaded NNTP News Reader
ASPAlliance.com : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : Create a Threaded NNTP News Reader: "Threading
Newsgroup articles are stored on the news server in order of arrival, not in order of message thread or subject. When displaying these articles for reading, I definitely do not want to display them in the order of arrival, but instead in a way that makes more sense to everyone: in a threaded layout. A threaded layout means that replies will fall under their parent message in that nice threaded tree view that everyone is used to. To do this, I'll download a large number of message headers and sort them into the correct order. This can be done byusing the XMLDocument Object in VS.Net to store a tree of related messageid's."
Visiting ASP.NET website after Quite a long time, I found this article which lead me to aspalliance.com. Must read of those intrested in experimenting
Newsgroup articles are stored on the news server in order of arrival, not in order of message thread or subject. When displaying these articles for reading, I definitely do not want to display them in the order of arrival, but instead in a way that makes more sense to everyone: in a threaded layout. A threaded layout means that replies will fall under their parent message in that nice threaded tree view that everyone is used to. To do this, I'll download a large number of message headers and sort them into the correct order. This can be done byusing the XMLDocument Object in VS.Net to store a tree of related messageid's."
Visiting ASP.NET website after Quite a long time, I found this article which lead me to aspalliance.com. Must read of those intrested in experimenting
Escape DLL Hell: Simplify App Deployment with ClickOnce and Registration-Free COM -- MSDN Magazine, April 2005
Escape DLL Hell: Simplify App Deployment with ClickOnce and Registration-Free COM -- MSDN Magazine, April 2005: "ClickOnce is a new deployment technology for Windows Forms apps that is being introduced in the .NET Framework 2.0. It is a simplified application deployment model that works over the Web, from network shares, or from distributable media such as CDs. It also provides auto-updating capabilities, safe and isolated application management, and configurable application security. In a nutshell, it makes deploying and updating a Windows Forms application as easy and safe as a Web application."
For those intrested in COM Development, this is an article that explains the Click-Once and Reg-Free COM Development
For those intrested in COM Development, this is an article that explains the Click-Once and Reg-Free COM Development
Wrappers: Use Our ManWrap Library to Get the Best of .NET in Native C Code -- MSDN Magazine, April 2005
Wrappers: Use Our ManWrap Library to Get the Best of .NET in Native C Code -- MSDN Magazine, April 2005: "Managed Extensions for C make it possible to mix native and managed code freely, even in the same module. Wow, life is good! Compiling with /clr, however, has consequences you may not want. It forces multithreading and dispenses with some useful runtime checks. It interferes with MFC's DEBUG_NEW, and some .NET Framework classes may conflict with your namespace. And what if you have a legacy application that uses an older version of the compiler that doesn't support /clr? Isn't there some way to reach into the Framework without the Managed Extensions? Yes!
In this article, I'll show you how to wrap Framework classes in a native way so you can use them in any C /MFC app without /clr. As my test case, I'll wrap the regex classes from the .NET Framework in a DLL and implement three MFC programs using it. You can use RegexWrap.dll to add regular expressions to your own C /MFC applications, or use my ManWrap tools to wrap your own favorite Framework classes."
Good Article from MSDN Magazine
In this article, I'll show you how to wrap Framework classes in a native way so you can use them in any C /MFC app without /clr. As my test case, I'll wrap the regex classes from the .NET Framework in a DLL and implement three MFC programs using it. You can use RegexWrap.dll to add regular expressions to your own C /MFC applications, or use my ManWrap tools to wrap your own favorite Framework classes."
Good Article from MSDN Magazine
Office Developer Center: Querying and Updating a Database Using Web Services in InfoPath and ASP.NET
Office Developer Center: Querying and Updating a Database Using Web Services in InfoPath and ASP.NET: "Introduction
This proof-of-concept article demonstrates how some functionality of a Microsoft Office InfoPath solution, based on a Web service, can also be offered as a Microsoft ASP.NET Web application. This is useful when InfoPath is not available on the client computer to fill out a form. Commonly referred to as a 'reach' experience, this kind of browser-based Web application allows a user to edit the same information in the InfoPath form, but without the features of InfoPath, such as rich-text formatting, the ability to check spelling, and the ability to edit the data if a network connection is not available.
The Web service uses the GetCustomers method to return a Microsoft .NET DataSet, which contains records from the Customers table of the Northwind SQL database. The Web service uses the UpdateCustomers method to accept changes to the records. Both methods are used in the InfoPath form template and the ASP.NET Web application, giving each solution the ability to edit the database records.
This article also includes architectural considerations for Web services and information about design limitations of InfoPath. These sections outline problems that can arise when designing and deploying Web services in the enterprise environment, and examine the limitations of InfoPath forms based on Web services."
I was using InfoPath to keep track of many things related to project, and ASP.Net programming is one that intrests me.
The moment I saw this article, I wanted to take a look at this and then as an after thought, blogged it here. To preserve the url for ever
This proof-of-concept article demonstrates how some functionality of a Microsoft Office InfoPath solution, based on a Web service, can also be offered as a Microsoft ASP.NET Web application. This is useful when InfoPath is not available on the client computer to fill out a form. Commonly referred to as a 'reach' experience, this kind of browser-based Web application allows a user to edit the same information in the InfoPath form, but without the features of InfoPath, such as rich-text formatting, the ability to check spelling, and the ability to edit the data if a network connection is not available.
The Web service uses the GetCustomers method to return a Microsoft .NET DataSet, which contains records from the Customers table of the Northwind SQL database. The Web service uses the UpdateCustomers method to accept changes to the records. Both methods are used in the InfoPath form template and the ASP.NET Web application, giving each solution the ability to edit the database records.
This article also includes architectural considerations for Web services and information about design limitations of InfoPath. These sections outline problems that can arise when designing and deploying Web services in the enterprise environment, and examine the limitations of InfoPath forms based on Web services."
I was using InfoPath to keep track of many things related to project, and ASP.Net programming is one that intrests me.
The moment I saw this article, I wanted to take a look at this and then as an after thought, blogged it here. To preserve the url for ever
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