Friday, April 29, 2005

Dim Blog As New ThoughtStream(me) : VS.NET and VSS: Copy solution to new solution

Dim Blog As New ThoughtStream(me) : VS.NET and VSS: Copy solution to new solution: "VS.NET and VSS: Copy solution to new solution

In this entry, I'll be outlining the process that I use to make a copy of a Visual Studio.NET project or solution with then end result of two projects copies on my development machine, each of which points to it's own location in Visual SourceSafe.

This entry assumes that you are using Visual Studio.NET 2003, and Visual SourceSafe 6.0d; and are familiar with Visual Studio.NET's basic functionality, menu system, and Visual SourceSafe's UI and 'Working Folder' functionality. It is also assumed that you are familiar with creating a 'Web Application' in IIS, on an existing folder."

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