Friday, April 29, 2005 : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : WebMail Using the IP*Works! ADO.NET Data Provider : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : WebMail Using the IP*Works! ADO.NET Data Provider: "Building a Robust Web Based Email Client (WebMail) Using the IP*Works! ADO.NET Data Provider

To get all of the mail from your Inbox, you can SELECT * from INBOX. To read the latest RSS feed you can SELECT * from feed. To send an email, just insert a new row into the OUTBOX table.
In this article, I will talk about the features and use of the Provider, and along the way I'll create an IMAP and POP capable Webmail interface with a minimal amount of code. You can also download the full sample project here.

Overview Of The Provider

In the beginning, the protocols available are IMAP, POP, SMTP, NNTP, and RSS. Others will be added, like WebDAV (aka HTTPMail), LDAP, and more. IP*Works! ADO.Net Data Provider makes integration of Internet capabilities into applications quick and easy - without the need to become familiar with the inner-workings of the protocols themselves.

You are familiar with the DbConnection, DbDataAdapter, and DbCommand objects. Now let me introduce the IPWorksConnection, IPWorksDataAdapter, and IPWorksCommand objects. They work in the same familiar way, except with something a little bit different happening on the inside - updating from a server instead of a database. Here is a brief description of the different objects in the Provider. Later in this article I'll get into more specifics and show how to use each one.

The IPWorksConnection object manages a connection to some server, whether it be an IMAP, POP, HTTP, SMTP, or NNTP server. The IPWorksConnection can be opened and closed explicitly, or the connection can be managed automatically (opened only when necessary) by the IPWorksDataAdapter."

atlast, my area of intrest....

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