Wednesday, February 23, 2005

: Visual Studios 2005 Community Features (February 2, 2005)

: Visual Studios 2005 Community Features (February 2, 2005)
Visual Studios 2005 Community Features (February 2, 2005)

Posted: February 16, 2005

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity


jledgard_ms (Moderator):
Welcome to our chat today about the VS 2005 community features that include Community Content Exchange, the Feedback Centers, "Ask a Question" functionality, and Codezone community integration.

jledgard_ms (Moderator):
Ok, lets get this started by introducing the experts for today’s chat on VS 2005 community features.

jledgard_ms (Moderator):
I’m josh ledgard. I’ll be playing the role of expert as well as moderator today. I work on the Developer Division customer connection team and am one of the PM’s responsible for the “Ask a Question” experience.

Marie Hagman (Expert):
I'm Marie Hagman, I work on the Developer Division Customer Connection team with Josh and am responsible for community content exchange and Codezone partner integration in Whidbey.

jledgard_ms (Moderator):
Welcome to our chat today about the VS 2005 community features that include Community Content Exchange, the Feedback Centers, "Ask a Question" functionality, and Codezone community integration. Ask Away!

jledgard_ms (Moderator):
Craig Skibo and Doug Seven will also be joining us.

Start of Chat

jledgard_ms (Moderator):
Q: I've seen a chat for VB debug - is there one for C++ debug??
A: That sounds like a fine chat topic suggestion. I'll pass it along to the C++ team. Currently each team is responsible for their own chat schedule.......

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