Wednesday, February 23, 2005

XML Web Services Overview (.NET Framework Developer's Guide)

XML Web Services Overview (.NET Framework Developer's Guide): "One of the core characteristics of an XML Web service is the high
degree of abstraction that exists between the implementation and the
consumption of a service. By using XML-based messaging as the mechanism
by which the service is created and accessed, both the XML Web service
client and the XML Web service provider are freed from needing any
knowledge of each other beyond inputs, outputs, and location."


Unknown said...

I need small information regarding XML Web Services.

How to call Web Service dynamically.

For Example:

I have 3 web services(WS1,WS2,Ws3) , Based on user identity I have to initialize the web service.

Thanks in Advance.

Kiran said...

check this url...

the scenario can be changed to based on the user, initialize the corresponding webservice